22nd German Conference on Health Services Research

Health services research - motor of evidence-based health policy
04. - 06. October 2023 | Potsdam


The 22nd German Conference on Health Services Research will take place at the Potsdam University from 04. - 06. October 2023. This year's motto is "Health services research - motor of evidence-based health policy".

Further information is available in the announcement flyer and on the congress website.
Click here for online registration. The online programme in English language is available here.

The first track is about the description and analysis of the current health care system: Who provides health care to whom, when and with what? How and why is health care provided? This involves research on who is being cared for and who provides care, the types of services provided, their regional and equitable distribution, and their degree of goal attainment. Keywords are equity of need and distribution, safety, effectiveness and patient-centeredness of health care.

The second track is dedicated to the evaluation of health care outcomes. This track focuses on the quality of results (outcomes) and the findings of formative evaluations: does the current health care achieve recovery, quality of life, or maintenance of health or risk reduction? Which factors were particularly significant for goal achievement? In addition to the outcomes identified by health care providers, this also includes the outcomes and experiences (PRO and PRE) reported by patients.

The third track focuses on the implementation of positively evaluated care innovations into routine care. Here, implementation concepts and factors that promote and hinder the transfer of research results into routine care will be addressed. Finally, this transfer must be evaluated again: The question is whether health care redesigned on the basis of HSR findings - in the sense of policy impact analysis – contributes positively to the health and quality of life of citizens.

However, a scientific congress would be nothing without a fourth track, which is to focus on the advancement of methods and theories of health services research. The focus is on research that deals explicitly with new or further developed methodological approaches and put them up for discussion.