DNVF Journal
„Health Care Research & Implementation”

The DNVF publishes the journal "Health Care Research & Implementation". It appears twice a year as a supplement of the journal “Das Gesundheitswesen“ as a digital open access publication.

The second issue of the journal will be published in August 2024. The third issue of the journal will be published as an online supplement of the journal "Das Gesundheitswesen" in December 2024. Submissions are encouraged in English or English and German anytime from now. For the third issue of the journal, submissions will be accepted until August, 30 2024.


The journal is directed to a broad, interdisciplinary international readership and aims to increase the visibility and awareness of German health care research in an international context. The journal will publish methodological and practice-related high-quality studies of health care and implementation research. Articles accepted for publication after a peer-review process will be published online Open Access in German and English.

Through the cooperation with the journal "Das Gesundheitswesen", the articles are listed in Medline starting with the first issue, so the research results presented will appeal to an international readership from the very beginning. Additionally the DNVF journal has the impact factor of the journal "Das Gesundheitswesen" (currently IF 1.1).

The maximum article length is 25 000 characters including spaces. Articles will be published open access and an open access fee of 2.501,00€ plus VAT (2.976,19€ gross) will be charged. DNVF members pay a reduced open access fee of €2.287,50€ plus VAT (2.722,13€ gross). Special thanks to the Thieme-Verlag for the 18% discount (25% discount for DNVF members) of the regular fee for open access publications. Here you can find the author information of the Thieme Verlag >>.

Editor in Chief is Prof. Dr. Jochen Schmitt, who leads the international editorial board consisting a multiperspective group of scientists and patient representatives.

Editorial Board
Members of the Editorial Board:
Prof. Dr. Jochen Schmitt (ZEGV TU Dresden, Editor in Chief for the extra issue "Health Care Research & Implementation")
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hoffmann (Greifswald University Medicine, DNVF Chairman, Vice-Editor in Chief for the extra issue "Health Care Research & Implementation")
Prof. Dr. Lena Ansmann (University of Cologne, DNVF Board)
Dr. Thomas Bierbaum (DNVF)
PD Dr. Anna Levke Brütt (University of Oldenburg)
Birgit Dembski (BAG Self-Help Association)
Prof. Dr. Maria Flamm (Paracelsus Medical Private University, Salzburg)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Härter (UKE Hamburg, DNVF Board)
Hannelore Loskill (BAG Self-Help Association)
Prof. Dr. med. Steffi G. Riedel-Heller (Leipzig University)
Prof. Dr. Holger Schünemann (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
Werner Seelig (Federal Association Prostate Cancer Self-Help Group)
Prof. Dr. Manfred Wildner (Editor in Chief for the journal „Das Gesundheitswesen“)

Overall, it should be an agile magazine. The review process should not take longer than 4-6 weeks. The editorial board is participatory.

Launch of Journal Health Care Research & Implementation on 04.10.2023

The first issue of the Journal will was published at the 22nd German Congress of Health Care Research on October 4th, 2023 as an online extra edition of the journal "Das Gesundheitswesen".

The main topics of the first issue were:

"Study results relevant to (German) health care and the reorientation of the health care system".


Call for Papers

The second issue of the journal will be published as an online supplement of the journal "Das Gesundheitswesen" in August 2024. The third issue of the journal will be published as an online supplement of the journal "Das Gesundheitswesen" in December 2024.

The supplement "Health Care Research & Implementation" publishes original articles on methodologically high-quality quantitative and qualitative, as well as mixed-methods studies and (systematic) reviews, on major current challenges of health care and health services research. Topics include, for example, studies that address important health care issues, studies on the quality of interventions and processes in health care, analyses of differences between efficacy and effectiveness, positive examples of the effective implementation of evidence-based concepts in standard health care, as well as analyses of implementation barriers and supporting factors.

Submissions are encouraged in English or English and German anytime from now. For the third issue of the journal, submissions will be accepted until August, 30 2024.

For submissions please use the following website https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/gesu and select the article type “Health Care Research & Implementation - Original Papers" or "Health Care Research & Implementation - Others".

You can find further information in Call for Papers (English)